Can I include a note in my vacancy ad that I am not certified for renting to Section 8 applicants?

Posted By: Jalen Charles (deleted) Management, Listing, Marketing,

No, RHAWA would not recommend putting anything in your ad about Section 8 which can be perceived as steering voucher holders away. Remember, Section 8 is now protected statewide as a source of income.

While you are not required to accept someone with a Section 8 voucher - they must still pass your screening criteria - you cannot turn them away simply because they have the voucher.

If a Section 8 applicant comes to you and passes your screening, the housing authority will perform a health/safety inspection to determine if your property is suitable for the applicant. State law created in 2018 includes a mitigation fund which will pay up to $1,000 in repairs for your unit to be repaired to allow the tenancy to continue. If the repair required by Section 8 is greater than $1,500 you can decline the applicant. Anything under $1,500 and the state will pay $1,000 toward the cost after you cover the first $500.