Contact Us

We provide the best service in the industry. We are passionate about our products and services and it shows in our level of service.

Members-Only Support Center

Find answers to all your questions our support center. Search our library of short articles about member services, fair housing laws, landlord-tenant laws, and best practices for operating rental housing in specific jurisdictions or in Washington. If you need more help, submit your questions to Support Center staff for answers from Sue Lewis, Denise Myers and others.

Visit Support Center

Content is frequently reviewed and updated by industry experts including RHAWA staff, attorneys, and property management professionals. RHAWA does not offer property management services nor formal legal advice, nor have an attorney on staff. ​The content provided in the Support Center, although obtained from reliable sources, is not considered legal advice or to be used as a substitution for legal counsel.

General Contact Info

Our staff currently takes up to 1 business day to respond to member inquiries. Inquiries are answered in the order they are received. Please help us reduce our response time by looking for self-help answers before sending a message.

PO Box 31103
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 283-0816
(206) 286-9461

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Questions or Comments:

For questions about rental laws and best practices, please use the Support Center instead of this form.

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