Certificate Courses

OnDemand Course - Seattle Rental Laws (2021-24) | CRE 7-hr Certificate CRE Seattle Rental Housing Laws (7 Clock Hours) Completion of this course counts toward...
Member Price: $70
Non-Member Price: $140
OnDemand Course - Washington Housing Providers Workshop (2022-26) | CRE 4-hr Certificate Washington Housing Providers Workshop 2022 (4 Clock Hours) Completion of this course counts...
Member Price: $40
Non-Member Price: $80
OnDemand Course - Seattle Housing Providers Workshop (2022-26) | CRE 4-hr Certificate Seattle Housing Providers Workshop 2022 (4 Clock Hours) Completion of this course counts toward...
Member Price: $40
Non-Member Price: $80
OnDemand Course - WA Landlord-Tenant Law Essentials (2021-25) | CRE 3-hr Certificate CRE WA Landlord-Tenant Law Essentials - 2021 (3 Clock Hours) Completion of this course counts...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $60
OnDemand Course - Leasing + Tenant Notices WA State and Local Laws (2023-26) | CRE 3-hr Certificate Leasing and Tenant Notices WA State and Local Laws 2023-26 (3 Clock Hours) Completion of this...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $90
OnDemand Course - Fair Rental Housing in Washington (2022-25) | CRE 3-hr Certificate CRE Fair Rental Housing in Washington (3 Clock Hours, OnDemand) Completion of this course counts...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $60
OnDemand Course - WA Real Estate Fair Housing (2022-26) | CRE 6-hr Certificate
OnDemand Course - WA Real Estate Fair Housing (2022-26) | CRE 6-hr Certificate CRE WA Real Estate Fair Housing - 2022-26 (6 Clock Hours) Completion of this course counts...
Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $120