Managing one property, although a bit challenging at first, is not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Managing multiple properties, on the...
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Best practice about rental management
Sponsored blog content provided by Rentometer Tenants consider their cat or dog a furry family member, and most of them will pass on a property...
Read PostNot sure if you've seen or heard by now, but it's been snowing - A LOT - in Western Washington the past few days! RHAWA has put together a quick...
Read PostHeather Pierce | Deputy Director of Government Affairs Washington State legislators are already hearing bills that would drastically alter the RLTA...
Read PostHeather Pierce | Deputy Director of Government Affairs Tuesday night, Tacoma City Council passed several new rental housing regulations which...
Read PostRHAWA Member Turnout is Crucial for Landlord Voices to be Heard in Burien City Council Meetings Heather Pierce | Deputy Director of Government...
Read PostThe market in Seattle is changing. Simply posting an ad on Craigslist isn't going to cut it when 12,000 new units are coming online in 2018 with...
Read PostBeing a housing provider always has it's little annoyances. Some of them are bigger than others. But if you want to get involved in rental...
Read PostPets and Service Animals are a subject that we get many calls to the RHAWA Resource Desk about from our members. Many people have some anxiety...
Read PostThe busy rental season is upon us again and many housing providers will be offering their homes and apartments for open houses. However, right now...
Read PostYou've rented to a tenant(s) and things are going along well. They are paying rent and utilities and there seems to be no problems. Until you hear...
Read PostIt might not seem like something that needs to be said, but most people would be surprised at the amount of tenants and landlords that never read...
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