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Selection and Use of New Leasing Forms

Learn how to select and use new 2021 Leasing Forms

Thursday, June 3, 2021
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT)

Online Only

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Based on recent changes to Washington State law, RHAWA has developed all new leasing forms for 2021. Make sure you understand how to use these new forms to form a binding, legal agreement between you and your tenant, outlining the rules, responsibilities, policies, and conflict resolution procedures for the tenancy. In this class, Attorney Chris Benis reviews the new selection of RHAWA rental agreement and term lease forms and explains how to select various options to reflect the specifics of your property and operating preferences. He will also review required and optional lease-signing addenda and those that can be used to update your agreement throughout the tenancy.

This session is offered ONLINE only. After class, all participants will receive a link to recorded session (accessible for 30 days) and downloadable materials for review.

All written, presented and recorded content provided by RHAWA for this course are for the use of the participants enrolled in the course.  Copyrighted course content may not be further disseminated. 

Formal legal advice and review is recommended prior to selection and use of this information. RHAWA does not represent your selection or execution of this information as appropriate for your specific circumstance. The material contained and represented herein, although obtained from reliable sources, is not considered legal advice or to be used as a substitution for legal counsel.

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