Who's On the Hook for Damages?
Online Only
Event Details
By far the most common dispute we have with tenants is who pays for damages. And it's no wonder when the bar set by law is so subjective. "Ordinary use" could mean one thing to a neat freak and something completely different to someone who is more laid back. In addition to this vague guidance, there are several very specific laws to keep in mind such as, how many days you have to mail the deposit accounting, when forgiveness is required for protected groups, differences in multifamily and single-family properties, if cleaning fees were charged, who pays for your standard turnover routine, and how to handle unrelated roommates. Attorney, Maxwell Glasson will discuss this complex issue and answer your toughest questions!
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This session is offered ONLINE only. After class, all participants will receive a link to recorded session (accessible for 30 days) and downloadable materials for review.
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